Find Food recipe

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

1:41 AM
Whats for dinner tonight ?
hmm... I'm thinking about making pasta, okay, lets do it!
 It's so easy to make and less than 10 minutes cook.

Spinach and brocoli Pasta

what you need
1. pasta
2. Carbonara sauce
3. spinach and brocoli
4. red capsicum, slice thin
5. onion
6. garlic
7. sugar
8. salt
9. pepper

How do you make it, its not hard, so simple
1. Boil some water put the pasta, then later on brocoli, soak spinach in warm water.
2. Heat olive oil in a pan, fry onion, capsicum, garlic and put the sauce in.
3. Put the pasta and brocoli and spinach all togather into the plate.
4. well done!
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