Find Food recipe

Monday, February 24, 2014

1:37 AM

Glutinous rice flour 250g
All purpose flour 300g
Caster sugar 150g (you may increase, if you want sweeter)
Cooking oil 100g (1/2 cup)
Yeast 1 ½ tsp
Water 240g

How to make it:
1. Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl, knead until soft and smooth.
2. Divide dough to equal portion (about 40g), shape into small round ball. Grease your hand with some cooking oil, place small round ball on the banana leaf, and flatten the dough by pressing your palm on the dough ball.
3. Cover with cling film and rest for 1hour
4. Steam over hot boiling water for 15mins or until cooked.


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