Find Food recipe

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

11:10 PM
Ingridients :
1 chicken
Coconut milk thick from 1 coconut
10 red onion
5 cloves of garlic
1 tsp ground coriander
 5 candle nuts
2 tsp salt
3 tablespoons slices of Java Sugar
1 stalk lemongrass
2 bay leaves
2 slices galangal.

Method :
Clean the chicken,  halved or cut into wide 4.
Ingredients except lemon grass, galangal are crushed, combine the coconut milk and cook until thick. Crushed lemongrass and galangal, enter into a spicy coconut milk with chicken. Cook until chicken is tender and thick, oily liquid. Lift and grilled (grilled) chicken, and turn it through until light golden brown.


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