Find Food recipe

Sunday, December 27, 2009

1:08 AM
250g green prawn meat
1 clove garlic, crushed
200g tub Wattle Valley Exotic Thai Chunky Dip
250g pork mince
1 tbs chopped coriander
200g tub Wattle Valley Sweet Chilli Thai Chunky Dip
1 pkt square gow gee wrappers
vegetable oil, for deep frying


1. Chop prawn meat and place into a bowl with garlic and Exotic Thai Chunky Dip. Mix well to combine. Combine pork mince, coriander and Sweet Chilli Thai Chunky Dip in a separate bowl
2. Place a teaspoon of the filling into the centre of a gow gee wrapper. Moisten the edges with a little water and press together to enclose. Place onto a baking tray. Repeat with filling mixture and wrappers.
3. Fill a medium saucepan 1/3 full with vegetable oil and heat over medium high heat. Cook dim sims in batches for about 2 minutes until golden. Remove using a slotted spoon and drain on paper towel. Serve with soy or sweet chilli sauce if desired.


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