Find Food recipe

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

12:40 AM
chicken with soysauce

* Chicken
* Lime
* Salt
* Garlic
* Ginger
* Red onion
* 5 spoon soy sauce
* 100 ml water
* 1 spoon sugar
* 3 spoon lemon
* oil

soft Ingridients :

* 10 Chilli  (if you like chilli)
* 4  candle nuts
* 1/2 spoon salt
* 1/2 spoon pepper

1. Spray the chicken with lime and set aside for 15 minutes.

2.  Mix Garlic, Ginger, and salt with chicken, leave for 30 minutes in a fridge.

3. Fry chicken.
4. Heat oil then sautee red onion , put the soft ingridients and soy sauce, water, sugar and chicken.
5. cook with low heat
Ready to serve


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