Find Food recipe

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

12:11 AM


Pastel Skin:
- 250 gr flour
- 1 egg
- 50 gr butter
- 75 cc cold water
- oil

- 5 red onion
- 2 garlic
- 100 gr chiken cut into small cubes
- 1 carrot, cut into small cubes
- 1 potato, cut into small cubes
- 1 spring onion
- vercimili noodle
- 1 sweet soy sauce
- salt, sugar and pepper.


For filling;
Heat oil in a large pan, fry onion, garlic, chiken, carrot, potato cook until the chiken cooked. put a spring onion and noodle togather with the chiken in a wok. and then set aside.

For Skin;
Mix togather flour, egg, butter and salt. gives a little bit of water and knead for a while until its ready as a dough. leave dough for 5 minutes and create pastel skin with using a large kneed tool/wooden kneed to make it thin.

How to;
Take one pastel skin, put 1-2 spoon of fillings and close it. press the skin in the edge with your hand just like breaded your hair.
fry and ready to serve


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