Find Food recipe

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10:54 PM

Ingridients :

1 Chicken
1 spoon chicken powder
½ spoon black pepper
½ spoon Chicken powder/vetsin/masako

For Coating :

1 kg Self Raising Flour
2 spoon sagu flour
6 gr cake soda
1 spoon salt
1 spoon chicken powder
1 spoon pepper

For dip coating :
1 egg
1 spoon chicken powder
500 ml water

Preparations  :

Put chicken in a bucket, coat with the ingridients, leave for 15 minutes.

For coating : whisk egg and put some chicken powder and water.

For flour coating :  put all the coating ingridients togather.

Methode :

Take 1 chicken piece, roll to flour coatintg, then dip in a dipping coating and put it back in the flour coating and put pressure so the flour stick togather with the chicken. Do it all the remain chicken pieces.
 Fry and serve


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